Watch as a movie is made - from initial concept, to script, to the shoot and final editing...!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Hitting It Off

Hi, and welcome to my web log.

Watch in the coming months as I slowly unravel my plans to make a movie - from scriptwriting right through to the final shoot and editing.

I've had this idea going around my head for some time now, and everyone I've divulged the plot to agrees it's a winner. Not a Michael Winner...

Anyway, the script is currently in outline phase. I plan to shoot a short version of the film (around 15 minutes) casting some friends from my local acting school. Once I've got things bedded down, I'll be publishing the script along with (hopefully) the short version of the movie in .wmv format for the world to see!

If anyone would like to chip in with tips and advice, it will all be very much appreciated!

Watch this space, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,

Ian Nicholson